
保标招标 > 公路设施 > 招标信息 > 梧州至硕龙公路(崇靖高速至硕龙口岸段)工程施工招标公告


· 2023-03-03
国 家:中国

雇 主:广西崇左市城市建设投资发展集团有限公司






1. 中华人民共和国已申请亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)资金用于广西崇左市边境互联互通改善项目,同时拟将部分资金用于支付下述合同:梧州至硕龙公路(崇靖高速至硕龙口岸段)工程施工No.1标段(合同编号:GCBCIP-Works-01);梧州至硕龙公路(崇靖高速至硕龙口岸段)工程施工No.2标段(合同编号:GCBCIP-Works-02)。

2. 广西崇左市城市建设投资发展集团有限公司现邀请合格的投标人对下述工程递交密封的投标文件:







桩号K0 000 ~ K9 560范围内的路基、桥梁、隧道、通道、涵洞、防护排水、绿化、管线预埋等工程的施工。



(1)桩号K9 560 ~ K12 348.069、LK0 080 ~ LK5 425.616范围内的路基、桥梁、隧道、通道、涵洞、防护排水、绿化、管线预埋等工程的施工;


(1) 建设规模:梧州至硕龙公路(崇靖高速至硕龙口岸段)位于崇左市天等县、大新县境内,主线起于天等县福新乡内屯村,顺接在建的隆安至硕龙高速公路内屯枢纽互通,路线由东北向西南,经天等县福新乡、大新县硕龙镇,终于硕龙镇榜屯附近,顺接硕龙连接线起点。路线主线全长12.348公里。全线共设置内屯枢纽互通1处,同步按一级公路标准建设硕龙连接线5.344公里。

(2) 技术标准:主线采用双向四车道高速公路标准建设,设计速度100公里/小时,整体式路基宽度26米,分离式路基宽度2×13米。硕龙连接线采用四车道一级公路标准建设,设计速度80公里/小时,路基宽度25.5米。主线和连接线桥涵设计汽车荷载等级采用公路 – I级,其余技术指标按《公里工程基数标准》(JTG B01-2014)执行。

(3) 主要结构物:主线共设置桥梁5358米/8座,其中特大桥2759.25米/2座,大桥2598.75米/6座;涵洞9道;隧道3491.5米/6座,其中长隧道1160.5米/1座,中隧道638米/1座,短隧道1693米/4座。硕龙连接线共设置桥梁119.04米/1座;涵洞12道;长隧道1396.5米/1座。内屯互通D匝道设置隧道195米/1座。主线、互通匝道、连接线、桥面铺装采用沥青混凝土路面,隧道采用复合式路面,收费广场采用水泥混凝土路面。各标段主要结构物详见招标文件第七章-工程要求。

(4) 工期:30个月。

(5) 本次招标不设置国内优惠。

(6) 本次招标接受联合体投标,联合体成员最大数量为2。

(7) 资格要求详见招标文件,主要包括:

(a) 资历要求

(i) No.1标段:投标人应具备独立法人资格,且应符合投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。国内投标人应具备公路工程施工总承包一级及以上资质,具备有效的建筑施工企业安全生产许可证。

(ii) No.2标段:投标人应具备独立法人资格,且应符合投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。国内投标人应具备公路工程施工总承包一级及以上资质以及公路交通工程专业承包一级资质(公路安全设施分项),具备有效的建筑施工企业安全生产许可证。如具备公路工程施工总承包特级资质则不受公路交通工程专业承包资质限制。

(b) 财务要求

(i) No.1标段:投标人近三年(2019年-2021年)的年均施工营业额不少于人民币100000万元;可取得的或现有的流动资产、无抵押实物资产、信贷额度及其他金融手段(除合同预付款),扣除投标人其他承诺,满足15000万元的现金流要求。

(ii) No.2标段:投标人近三年(2019年-2021年)的年均施工营业额不少于人民币75000万元;可取得的或现有的流动资产、无抵押实物资产、信贷额度及其他金融手段(除合同预付款),扣除投标人其他承诺,满足10000万元的现金流要求。

(c) 业绩要求

(i) No.1标段:投标人近十年(2013年1月1日~递交投标文件截止日期),作为总承包商、联合体成员或分包商,至少完成了三(3)个新建或改扩建高速公路施工合同的实施,每个合同中投标人承担的施工任务应至少同时包含一座特大桥、一座单洞长度大于400米的隧道,且所承担施工任务的金额不少于人民币85000万元,合同完成应至少以监理工程师或雇主等证明的完工时间为准。

(ii) No.2标段:投标人近十年(2013年1月1日~递交投标文件截止日期),作为总承包商、联合体成员或分包商,至少完成了三(3)个新建或改扩建高速公路施工合同的实施,每个合同中投标人承担的施工任务应至少同时包含一座大桥或特大桥、一座单洞长度大于1000米的隧道、路面工程、交通安全设施工程,且所承担施工任务的金额不少于人民币60000万元,合同完成应至少以监理工程师或雇主等证明的完工时间为准。

(d) 人员要求

(i) No.1标段:






(ii) No.2标段:






3. 投标人可对一个或多个标段投标,相关内容将在招标文件中进一步说明。如投标人愿意在被授予多于一个合同时提供折扣,可在投标函中予以明确。

4. 根据《亚投行受款人采购指南》(以下简称采购指南),本次招标将以国际公开竞争性招标方式开展,面向采购指南中规定的所有合格投标人。

5. 有意向的合格投标人可在 北京中交建设工程咨询有限公司,郭星,zec_consulting@126.com 处获取更多信息,并于工作时间(9:00 am ~ 17:00 pm)内在下方地址处查验招标文件。

6. 有意向的合格投标人应于2023年3月7日17:00(北京时间)之前向下方地址现场递交或发送电子邮件递交书面申请(书面申请应由投标人法定代表人签字,国内投标人还须加盖单位公章)购买招标文件,招标文件每个标段售价人民币6000元(其中英文招标文件2000元,中文翻译文件1000元,图纸3000元),此项费用售后不退,支付方式为现金或转账(户名:北京中交建设工程咨询有限公司;账号:0200006309067043940;开户行:中国工商银行北京分行惠新支行;转账注明梧硕标书款-标段号)。招标文件送达方式为:现场领取、电子邮件、发送快递。参与多个标段的投标人应分别购买相应标段的招标文件,并对相应标段单独递交投标文件。

7. 投标文件必须在北京时间2023年4月19日9:00 AM前递交到下方地址。本项目不采用电子投标。迟交的投标文件将被拒收。投标文件将于北京时间2023年4月19日9:00 am,于下方地址在投标人授权代表和其他愿意参加的人在场时公开开启。

8. 所有投标人必须提交投标担保,金额为 No.1标段:人民币2000万元;No.2标段:人民币1200万元。

9. 本公告同时在下述媒介发布:亚洲基础设施投资银行网站、联合国发展业务在线网站、中国招标投标公共服务平台、广西壮族自治区招标投标公共服务平台、全国公共资源交易平台(广西·崇左)、广西壮族自治区交通运输厅网站、雇主网站、中路电子招投标采购交易平台

10. 上述地址的详细信息:





雇 主:广西崇左市城市建设投资发展集团有限公司

联 系 人:梁辉,项目负责人

地 址:广西崇左市江州区兰怀山路18号



联 系 人:郭星

地 址:北京市朝阳区北苑路170号凯旋城C座501


Specific Procurement Notice (SPN)

for Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section)

Country: China

Employer: Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.

Project: Guangxi Chongzuo Border Connectivity Improvement Project

Loan No.: L0357A

Contract Title: Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.1; Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.2

SPN Reference/Tender No: GCBCIP-A-CW

Tender document Issued On: March 2, 2023

1. The Peoples Republic of China has applied for financing from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB or the Bank) toward the cost of the Guangxi Chongzuo Border Connectivity Improvement Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contracts for Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.1 (Contract No.: GCBCIP-Works-01); Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.2 (Contract No.: GCBCIP-Works-02).

2. The Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers for the Works as follows:

Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) is the Component A of AIIB financed Guangxi Chongzuo Border Connectivity Improvement Project. The scope of the tendering is as follows:

Contract No.

Contract Name

Scope of Tendering


Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.1

Subgrades, bridges, tunnels, channels, culverts, fencing and drainage, greening and pipeline pre-burial Works within the range of K0 000 to K9 560


Engineering Works of Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) Lot No.2

(1)Subgrades, bridges, tunnels, channels, culverts, fencing and drainage, greening and pipeline pre-burial Works within the range of K9 560 to K12 348.069 and LK0 080 to LK5 425.616;

(2)Pavement and transportation safety facilities Works within the whole range.

(1) Construction scale: Wuzhou to Shuolong Highway (Chongjing Expressway to Shuolong Port Section) locates in Tiandeng County and Daxin County of Chongzuo City. The main line starts from Neitun Village, Fuxin Township of Tiandeng County, and connects Longan-Shuolong Highway under construction, with Neitun hub interchange. The main line starts from the east to the west, via Fuxin Township of Tiandeng County, Shuolong Town of Daxin County, ends near Bangtun Village of Shuolong Town, connecting with the starting point of Shuolong link. The total length of main line is 12.348km. One Neitun hub interchange is set along the whole route. 5.344km-long Shuolong link will be built simultaneously.

(2) Technical standards: The main route is a two-way four-lane expressway, with the design speed of 100km/h and integral subgrade width of 26m and separate subgrade width of 2×13m. the Shuolong link is a two-way four-lane Class-I highway, with the design speed of 80km/h and subgrade width of 25.5m. The design vehicle load class of bridge and culvert is in line with Class-I highway. Other technical indicators are as per the Technical Standard of Highway Engineering (JTG B01-2014).

(3) Main structures: Along the main route, there are 5358m/8 bridges, which includes 2759.25m/2 grand bridges and 2,598.75m/6 long bridges, 9 culverts, 3491.5m/6 tunnels, which includes 1160.5m/1 long tunnel, 638m/1 middle tunnel and 1693m/4 short tunnels. Along the link, there are 119.04m/1 bridge, 12 culverts, 1396.5m/1 long tunnel. There is 195m/1 tunnel locating in the D ramp of Neitun hub interchange. The main route, interchange ramp, link, bridge deck are with asphalt concrete pavement, while tunnel with composite pavement, toll plaza with cement concrete pavement. Details of main structures in each Lot can be found in Section VII, Works Requirements in the Tender document.

(4) Time for completion: 30 months.

(5) Provisions for development of domestic industry is not applicable.

(6) Joint ventures are allowed for the Tender. Maximum number of members in the Joint Venture shall be 2.

(7) Detailed qualification criteria can be found in the Tender document, mainly include:

(a) Qualification requirements

(i) Lot No.1: The Tenderer shall be with independent legal personality, and meet conditions of Eligibility and Conflict of Interest in Instructions to Tender (ITT) 4. Domestic Tenderer shall have First-class or above Qualification Certificate of Highway Engineering General Construction Contracting and valid Building Construction Enterprise Safety Production License.

(ii) Lot No.2: The Tenderer shall be with independent legal personality, and meet conditions of Eligibility and Conflict of Interest in ITT 4. Domestic Tenderer shall have First-class or above Qualification Certificate of Highway Engineering General Construction Contracting, First-class Qualification Certificate of Highway Traffic Engineering Professional Contracting (Highway Safety Facilities Subdivision) and valid Building Construction Enterprise Safety Production License. Qualification Certificate of Highway Traffic Engineering Professional Contracting is not needed for the Tenderer who has Special Grade Qualification Certificate of Highway Engineering General Construction Contracting.

(b) Financial requirements

(i) Lot No.1: The Tenderer shall have minimum average annual construction turnover of CNY 1 billion within the last 3 years (2019 - 2021); The Tenderer shall have access to, or have available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as CNY 150 million net of the Tenderers other commitments.

(ii) Lot No.2: The Tenderer shall have minimum average annual construction turnover of CNY 750 million within the last 3 years (2019 - 2021); The Tenderer shall have access to, or have available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as CNY 100 million net of the Tenderers other commitments.

(c) Experience requirements

(i) Lot No.1: Participation, as a prime contractor, joint venture member or sub-contractor, in at least 3 contracts, each with a value of the Tenderers participation at least CNY 850 million, that have been successfully completed within the last 10 years (2013.1.1 – submission deadline of Tender), and that are similar to the proposed works. The similarity of the contracts shall be based on: construction contracts of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway with construction tasks of the Tenderers participation at least 1 Grand Bridge and 1 tunnel with a single cavern length greater than 400 meters. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc.

(ii) Lot No.2: Participation, as a prime contractor, joint venture member or sub-contractor, in at least 3 contracts, each with a value of the Tenderers participation at least CNY 600 million, that have been successfully completed within the last 10 years (2013.1.1 – submission deadline of Tender), and that are similar to the proposed works. The similarity of the contracts shall be based on: construction contracts of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway with construction tasks of the Tenderers participation at least 1 Grand Bridge or Long Bridge , 1 tunnel with a single cavern length greater than 1000 meters, pavement engineering and traffic safety facility engineering. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc.

(d) Personnel requirements

(i) Lot No.1:

The Contractors Representative proposed by the Tenderer shall completed at least ONE (1) construction contract (includes the bridge engineering and tunnel engineering at the same time) of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway as Contractors Representative or Project Manager. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc. Available for the Contract (which means not serving on other projects or can be withdrawn from the current project if awarded). The Contractors Representative proposed by the domestic Tenderer shall have the title of Senior Engineer or above in highway engineering related major, Registration Certificate of Constructor (highway engineering major) awarded by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B) awarded by transportation department.

The Chief Engineer proposed by the Tenderer shall completed at least ONE (1) construction contract (includes the bridge engineering and tunnel engineering at the same time) of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway as Chief Engineer. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc. Available for the Contract (which means not serving on other projects or can be withdrawn from the current project if awarded). The Chief Engineer proposed by the domestic Tenderer shall have the title of Senior Engineer or above in highway engineering related majors and Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B) awarded by transportation department.

The Environmental Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) environmental task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

The Social Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) social task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

The Health and Safety Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) health or safety task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

(ii) Lot No.2:

The Contractors Representative proposed by the Tenderer shall completed at least ONE (1) construction contract (includes the bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, pavement engineering and traffic safety facility engineering at the same time) of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway as Contractors Representative or Project Manager. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc. Available for the Contract (which means not serving on other projects or can be withdrawn from the current project if awarded). The Contractors Representative proposed by the domestic Tenderer shall have the title of Senior Engineer or above in highway engineering related major, Registration Certificate of Constructor (highway engineering major) awarded by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B) awarded by transportation department.

The Chief Engineer proposed by the Tenderer shall have completed at least ONE (1) construction contract (includes the bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, pavement engineering and traffic safety facility engineering at the same time) of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway as Chief Engineer. Verification of contract completion time is based on the date of completion at least certified by the Supervision Engineer or the Employer etc. Available for the Contract (which means not serving on other projects or can be withdrawn from the current project if awarded). The Chief Engineer proposed by the domestic Tenderer shall have the title of Senior Engineer or above in highway engineering related majors and Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B) awarded by transportation department.

The Environmental Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) environmental task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

The Social Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) social task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

The Health and Safety Expert proposed by the Tenderer shall have engaged in at least ONE (1) health or safety task of new-built (or reconstructed or expanded) expressway.

3. Tenderers may tender for one or several contracts, as further defined in the tender document. Tenderers wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so, provided those discounts are included in the Letter of Tender.

4. Tendering will be conducted through International Open Competitive Tendering procedures as specified in the Banks Procurement Instructions for Recipients (PIR), and is open to all eligible Tenderers as defined in the PIR.

5. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from Beijing Zhongjiao Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, Guo Xing, zec_consulting@126.com and inspect the Tender document during office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the address given below.

6. Interested eligible Tenderers may purchase the Tender document upon the submission of a written request (the written request shall be signed by the legal representative, and sealed for domestic Tenderers) to the address below by hand or by e-mail and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of CNY 6000 (CNY 2000 for Tender document in English, CNY 1000 for translation version of Chinese and CNY 3000 for Drawings) on or before 17:00 PM, March 7, 2023, Beijing time. The method of payment will be in cash or transfer to specified account number (Account: 北京中交建设工程咨询有限公司; Account number: 0200006309067043940; Bank Name: 中国工商银行北京分行惠新支行; Please note Wushuo Tender document Fee – Lot number). Manners for getting the document: by hand, by e-mail or by mail. Tenderers willing to tender for more than one contract shall purchase Tender document for the corresponding lots separately, and submit Tenders separately.

7. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 9:00 AM, Beijing time, on April 19, 2023. Electronic tendering will not be permitted. Late Tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 9:00 AM, April 19, 2023, Beijing time.

8. All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of CNY 20 million for Lot No.1 and CNY 12 million for Lot No.2.

9. The SPN is published on the following media at the same time: AIIB website (http://https--www--aiib--org-e75b383b2a.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/), UN Development Business online (http://www--devbusiness--com-69b2e71bbf.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/), China Tendering And Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www--cebpubservice--com-a310fd81ff.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/), Guangxi Tendering And Bidding Public Service Platform (http://zbtb--gxi--gov--cn----9000-2972a6601b.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/), Chongzuo Public Resources Trading Platform (http://ggzy--jgswj--gxzf--gov--cn-6ca2a41f5d.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/czggzy), Department of Transport of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (http://jtt.gxzf.gov.cn/), the Employers website (http://www--czcjjt--com--cn-97ac97af05.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/), Zhonglu Electronic Tendering and Procuring Trading Platform (http://www--zlbid--cn-0e201f8d7a.zipv6.gxzf.gov.cn/)

10. The addresses referred to above are:

For inspecting the Tender document: Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd, No.18 Lanhuaishan Road, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City;

For purchasing the Tender document: Beijing Zhongjiao Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, Room 501, Building 3 of Triumph City, No. 170 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing;

For submitting the Tender document: Chongzuo Public Resources Trading Center, 5th Floor of Chongzuo Government Affairs Services Center, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City

For opening the Tenders: same as the address for submitting the Tender document above.

Employer: Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 18 Lanhuaishan Road, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Attention: Liang Hui

E-mail: 47547843@qq.com

Procurement Agency: Beijing Zhongjiao Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

Address: Room 501, Building 3 of Triumph City, No. 170 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Attention: Guo Xing

E-mail: zec_consulting@126.com






